Saturday, May 18, 2024

The good news is...

Recently, I did an innocuous, little post about heritage, ancestry, and genealogy. Following a dozen comments or so we worked out that for the most part there's not a dime's worth of difference between us. And that's true, mostly. There is one difference. There are basically two types of people. There are children of light, and there are the others. Children of light are compassionate, caring people who are passionate about truth and justice. The others tend to be apathetic, deceitful people who care mostly for themselves and have only contempt for everyone they consider inferior. But don't count anyone out. The good news is there's still hope for everybody. Everyday somebody sees the light. SC

Thursday, May 16, 2024

I don't need some self-righteous zealot telling my family how to live.

I don't need some self-righteous zealot telling my family how to live. My family is perfectly capable of making our own decisions. And I support the right of others to do likewise. Neither do we need the state to interfere with the freedoms provided to us by the Constitution. What we need is a strong Federal Government to ensure the separation of church and state and to defend our freedoms against all threats both foreign and domestic. SC

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Understand what you're voting for, and don't be surprised when you get it.

I hear repeatedly that neither party has a good candidate. Here's the situation. The Republican party has become synonymous with the MAGA movement. They believe the climate crisis, which is causing floods, droughts, famine, food shortages and high prices all over the world, is a hoax. They believe more coal and big oil are the energy source of the future and that environmental concerns are for hippies and tree huggers. They believe science is an antireligion, leftist conspiracy. They believe senior citizens should stay in the workforce and flip burgers until they die. They believe affordable health care is a socialist plot. They believe the pursuit of truth and justice is a witch hunt. They believe lies and big money win elections and that truth and democracy are for losers. They believe people's personal choices should be made by the government and that the government should consist of those who support their radical, alt right agenda. If you agree with that, go ahead and vote Republican, but understand what you're voting for, and don't be surprised when you get it. SC

Monday, May 13, 2024

Truth tempers honesty and restores nations. SC

 Knowledge vs Wisdom

We now live in the age of misinformation. Be wary of alternative facts. Knowledge is merely accumulated information, both accurate and inaccurate; wisdom is the ability to wino out that which is erroneous, in so doing divining truth from knowledge. Misinformation brings down empires. Truth tempers honesty and restores nations. SC

Saturday, May 11, 2024

The last eight years of Trump's influence on the country have taken a terrible toll on me.

The last eight years of Trump's influence on the country have taken a terrible toll on me. I'm estranged from my church family and most of my friends and relatives. They think I'm sick and evil because I despise Trump. It's as though truth and integrity and everything that all those years in the church taught me to believe are now wrong and we're to lift up and praise life's ugly underbelly instead. I'm sorry. I won't do it. They say the truth will set you free. I pray that happens soon. SC

Thursday, May 9, 2024

The scope of my sagacity

So, they don't believe in established facts, verifiable science, sustainable energy, human rights, civil rights, reproductive rights, worker's protections, environmental protections, pursuit of a more equitable tax policy, or any of the policies that for over two hundred years have made America one of the most powerful forces for good the world has ever known, but they continue to support Donald Quackenbush Trump, Marjorie Turdworthey Green, and the fabulously farcical machinations of the dysfunctional freedom caucus. I've been told I have a pretty vivid imagination, but how anyone continues to support the agenda of the MAGA movement greatly exceeds the scope of my sagacity. SC