Saturday, August 31, 2024

These are pretty easy choices

 I'm certain that, just like the rest of us, kamala Harris is imperfect. But she's more than sufficient as the face and spokesperson for our movement. This is not about Kamala Harris. This is about turning a page, ending a chapter, and passing the torch of liberty to a new generation. It's about banding together as citizens who have each other's backs and are prepared to work together to seize this moment and secure a better future for all.

What kind of country do we want?
Let's talk for a moment about our options.
We can have a bitter, old man who wants to go back to a dark time,
or we can have an administration prepared to move forward.
We can fight over superstitions and archaic cultural rivalries,
or we can benefit from scientific discovery and enlightenment.
We can accept alternative facts and baldfaced lies,
or we can defend truth, justice, and fact-based reality.
We can resort to violence to settle petty grievances,
or we can accept that we are different and learn to coexist.
We can take the path that history shows ends in bloodshed,
or we can learn from democracy's remarkable achievements
and continue to strengthen our institutions for the good of all.
We can cave to the will of the angry, misled, and misinformed,
or we can rise as one and embrace our future as proud Americans.
We can surrender our freedoms to divisive Christian Nationalism,
or we can defend the rights and hard-won freedoms of all.
We can discard democracy's balance of power, for one-man rule,
or we can continue our pursuit of a more perfect union,
and a government of, by, and for the people.
For those of us who appreciate the sacrifices of our veterans, our forefathers,
and all those who have dedicated themselves to liberty and justice for all,
these are pretty easy choices. SC

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