Monday, August 5, 2024

My politics is inseparable from my faith.

I guarantee you that you are no sicker of my political posts than I am. Is there nothing, you may ask, that's more important to you than politics? I'm 72 years old. This year's "politics" will determine the direction of this country for the rest of my life. It will affect every aspect of my family, my faith, and my freedom. So, the answer is no; there is nothing more important to me than politics. How, you may well ask, did politics affect your faith? For over forty years, I spent hours each week in church. I served a term as deacon; I was for a time a youth minister and Sunday school teacher, and I was a door greeter for over 20 years. As a result of the Trump administration and its effects on "the church", I no longer attend church. So, you may ask, do you no longer have faith? Micah 6*8 is the lens through which I view every issue and each of life's decisions. "And what does the Lord require of you, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God." My politics is inseparable from my faith. Another element of my faith is the pursuit of Truth & Justice regardless of the consequences. SC

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