Wednesday, April 5, 2023

People understood, these young people were forced to make a choice.

This is sensitive, but it needs to be shared. Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I attended high school. This was in the 1960s, a time that many look back on with nostalgia, and consider a moral compass for today.  I attended a comparatively small high school, attending class with many with whom I’d shared classes since the early days of elementary school.  Even in this small student body, there were classmates who faced challenges which were not of their making. During that four-year period, I was acquainted with at least one little girl who was clearly female in every aspect of her being, but her genitals reflected a different reality. I was also acquainted with a little boy who had the misfortune of developing conspicuous female breasts. Fortunately, at the time, these young people had the support of their classmates and communities. Medical assistance and counseling were available. They could not easily go through life as both genders. People understood, these young people were forced to make a choice. Uncertain as to how, as a good Christian, I should interact with these troubled individuals, I questioned Mom and Dad. They gave me the following advice. Be compassionate. Be supportive. Be empathetic. As a Christian, my folks encouraged me to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with my God. SC


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