Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Understand what you're voting for, and don't be surprised when you get it.

I hear repeatedly that neither party has a good candidate. Here's the situation. The Republican party has become synonymous with the MAGA movement. They believe the climate crisis, which is causing floods, droughts, famine, food shortages and high prices all over the world, is a hoax. They believe more coal and big oil are the energy source of the future and that environmental concerns are for hippies and tree huggers. They believe science is an antireligion, leftist conspiracy. They believe senior citizens should stay in the workforce and flip burgers until they die. They believe affordable health care is a socialist plot. They believe the pursuit of truth and justice is a witch hunt. They believe lies and big money win elections and that truth and democracy are for losers. They believe people's personal choices should be made by the government and that the government should consist of those who support their radical, alt right agenda. If you agree with that, go ahead and vote Republican, but understand what you're voting for, and don't be surprised when you get it. SC

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