Tuesday, March 26, 2024


This is the time of year during which some people of faith observe a number of Holy Days. They celebrate their God, who the Bible calls "The Spirit of Truth", and they worship Christ, who is called "the Way, the Truth, and the Life." According to the concordance, the Bible uses the word Truth 452 times. When accused of a crime, our legal system gives the defendant the opportunity to stand before God and tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Even then, some people are only capable of lies. Lies before God have consequences, consequences for the liar and for those who believe the lie. "The definition of Truth according to Webster's dictionary varies depending on the edition and the context. However, some common elements are conformity to fact or reality, exact accordance with that which is or has been or shall be, and a true statement or proposition. Truth can also refer to a transcendent, fundamental, or spiritual reality, or the quality or state of being accurate." It appears that truth is real after all. Who knew? So, the next time the crooked attorney for some slippery conman tells you there is no such thing as Truth, and that the pursuit of justice is merely an illusion and a political witch hunt, you can enlighten him with some sources. SC

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