Saturday, November 25, 2023

We the people have been through a lot.

We the people have been through a lot. Sometimes it's difficult to remember, we’re all on the same side. We have a history together, and like it or not, we have a future together too.

We all want the same things. We want our family to be healthy and happy. We want a sense of security. We want a sense of achievement. We’re most happy when we feel successful and appreciated. We’d like to feel proud of our achievements. We’d like to feel proud of our country.

As 2023 concludes, we look ahead to the challenges of 2024. And make no mistake, it will be challenging. Twelve months from now, regardless of what occurs in the meantime, we will set off on a new course. There will no doubt have been some surprises. We can’t know what the future holds. Lord only knows; we will leave it in His hands.

Our best hope as we approach the days ahead is to take a breath, accept our differences, and remember always, we want the same things. Let’s focus our energies on our mutual goals. Let’s reach out to those around us and work together to make certain everyone feels appreciated for their efforts. Let’s be just, merciful, and humble. Let’s be kind and forgiving and lift up those who face the future with us. SC


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