Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Lean to the left. Lean to the right. Stand up, sit down, fight fight fight!

The American ideals of liberty and justice were forged in the fires of scripture and tempered by the ages. Since its inception, our Republic has emerged slowly but steadily from the world’s history of bigotry, racism, and intolerance, toward a more just, merciful, and compassionate society; a society in which people of every conceivable faith and ethnicity can join together and find peace, acceptance, common purpose, and strength through that diversity, and in so doing, form a government of, by, and for a people, unified by their diverse faiths and their mutual pursuit of liberty and justice for all.

America is once again at a crossroads. Some people insist on leaning right, while others insist on leaning to the left. That’s not anything new. That’s the way it’s been from the beginning. That’s the game. That’s why our democracy is essential. Contrary to what some would have you believe; government is not an evil enterprise designed to steel your money and your freedom. Our democratic form of government is a painstakingly handcrafted process through which compromise and deal making are artfully employed by our elected leaders, in order to ascertain and accomplish the will of we the people, their constituents. You’ve probably noticed, we don’t all want the same thing. As a result, government that legitimately seeks to accurately reflect the will of all the people, is a little like sausage making. It’s rarely ever pleasant to watch, but for over two hundred years, it has been the means by which our society has achieved peaceful coexistence in an increasingly diverse society, where some insist on leaning right, while others insist on leaning to the left. SC

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