Sunday, April 14, 2019


America’s ideals of liberty and justice for all have been a work in progress for a long time. Progress has been tediously slow, but steady. Mistakes have been made. Setbacks have been painful and frequent. Progress has come only through determination, dedication, and constant struggle, but it has come. Democratic government requires pursuing the greater good, and addressing the needs of a greatly diversified electorate, comprised of frequently opposing and passionately held beliefs. It’s a volatile and uneasy accord, which is achieved only through compromise and concession. Progress requires change, and change is hard. Once again, we find ourselves called upon to test our ability to accept change and consent to the will of the people. With or without our consent, change will come. The decisions we make in 2020 will shape our children’s future for decades to come. The work in progress will continue, and government of, by, and for the people will shape, sharpen, and temper its time-honored pursuit of liberty and justice for all. Progress will be slow, but achievable. Embrace the future, be civil, and participate in the essential process of democracy. A perfect union is a mighty lofty goal, but a more perfect union is attainable when we work together. SC

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