Saturday, January 26, 2019

You may want to avert your eyes.

Tom Selleck achieved tremendous success modeling underwear. I myself have all but given up.  My best hope may be my little book.

Glad Days Long Ago is a collection of short stories and reminiscences. It’s an assortment of unrelated windows into my life and time; a compilation of just over 40 pieces I’ve written over a thirty year period. As a result, the compositions are written in a variety of styles. Beyond the fact that they are nostalgic windows into the past, my past and the distant past, they are unrelated. The books only flow is the fact that it reflects my life and my interests, from my childhood to the present. The book has no plot, and no villain, other than time itself, and times exasperating inclination to run out.  

My story, although autobiographical to some extent, is a fictional parable about youth, innocence, faith, heritage, nostalgia, patriotism, and growing old. It contains humor, bitter sweet reminiscences, and glimpses of a distant day when life seemed simple, summer was perennial, and childlike faith assured tomorrows joys. 

“GLAD DAYS LONG AGO” is available in paperback or as an eBook, On

I appreciate your interest.

Shannon Thomas Casebeer

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