Monday, October 22, 2018

One stop shopping for the perfect gift for everyone on your list

Are you looking for an inexpensive gift that will last for years and always spark a memory and a smile? Many books are intended to provide escape through a long, convoluted plot which is fully appreciated only at the conclusion. This is not that kind of book. “Glad Days Long Ago” is an invitation to escape with me to another place and time. This little primer is intended merely as a pleasant stroll, to be enjoyed a few steps at a time, anytime, and often. Share it with others who might benefit from a good leg stretching. 

My story, although autobiographical to some extent, is a fictional parable about youth, innocence, faith, heritage, nostalgia, patriotism, and growing old. My story is appropriate for young and old alike. It contains humor, bitter sweet reminiscences, and glimpses of a distant day when life seemed simple, summer was perennial, and childlike faith assured tomorrows joys. Its time to remember what we all have in common. 

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