There’s a race in
progress around the world today that we can’t afford to lose, and America is
standing flatfooted at the starting line, held back by those who feel no need
to participate, because they’re not invested in America. They’re only invested in themselves.
The incomparable
engine that powers our economy is all but idle, rusted, and starving for fuel. Our
country’s vast wealth and potential has pooled at the top and grown stagnate. The answer is not additional years of greed, robbery,
self-interest, and promises of trickledown. The answer is cash flow now. It’s time to prime the pumps!
I’m not suggesting giveaways.
We don’t require additional handouts to the bottom. And we certainly don’t require more tax
breaks and giveaways to the top. I’m
suggesting unparalleled investment, with the expectation of unparalleled growth
and dividends. It’s time to put all our backs into it and grunt.
It’s time to puncture
that reservoir and circulate the fuel that will get our engine running. It’s time to make hard work profitable and
profits equitable for all those who do the work that make them possible. The
answer is not raising wages until America is unable to compete on the world
stage. The answer is to provide incentive through affordable housing,
healthcare, and education, so that a person who is prepared to work for fair, equitable,
and competitive wages will find those wages sufficient to meet their needs, and
the businesses and corporations who employ those people can produce state of
the art services and products that result in reasonable profits while remaining
competitive around world.
It’s time to rebuild
our infrastructure so that America is once more the envy of the world. It’s time to harness our ingenuity,
creativity, workforce, and technology, and invest again in America and our
people. It’s time to remember what made America great to begin with, and why
the world once looked to America for leadership. It’s time to refuel our engine and get back in
the race. SC
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