Monday, March 9, 2015

DANIELS TRANSFER, A. W. Daniels, proprietor,

This photo was taken in front of the California Café, in downtown Placerville in 1912. The gentleman on the back of the wagon is my great granddad, Asa Wilder Daniels.  This photo is from an advertisement in the form of a postcard.  The accompanying ad ran in The Placerville Republican & Nugget, and is dated February 14, 1912.  It reads as follows: DANIELS TRANSFER, A. W. Daniels, proprietor, Handles U. S. mail & Wells Fargo Business.  Trunks called for for Sunday and morning trains, and all other trains.  Everything that is moveable taken care of.  Reasonable rates.  Office phone, 433 & Res. 133

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