Friday, January 23, 2015


Placerville, California 1920s

If I could turn the clock back,
And live my life once more,
I believe I’d take a slower pace,
Not hurry like before.

I’d spend my life in Placerville,
When the Ivy House still stood,
When the whole town smelled of doughnuts
And storefronts of weathered wood.

When school was taught with chalk on slate,
Each hour marked by a bell,
Luncheon served from paper bags,
And a pint of milk was swell!

When horse and buggy still raised dust,
And little Fords were few,
When little girls weren’t exempt from lust,
But little boys had no clue.

When belts were worn with shirts tucked in,
And Pomade clogged our comb,
When we took our best girl to the dance,
And our palms caressed as we walked our sweetheart home.

I know it’s just a silly dream.
I know it can’t come true.
I know it just sounds foolish now
To share it here with you.

But my wish for every one of us
Is that we’ll live each minute,
Treasure every hour of life,
And every loved one in it.

Hold tight to your memories
Of those days when life was good,
When Main Street smelled of doughnuts,
Little Fords and weathered wood.


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