Tuesday, October 14, 2014

“Raccoon up the ‘simmon tree, ‘possum on the ground.  ‘Possum says to the ol’ raccoon, shake them ‘simmons down!”  Like the opossum, I generally have to wait until some more industrious critter knocks some persimmons down.  I just returned from Littlethicket, where I enjoyed several handfuls which I collected off the ground.  While folks will insist that persimmons are best enjoyed after the first frost, if I hold off until then, the ol’ raccoons are fat and sassy, and the persimmons are only a memory. Having returned to the house, I’ll now wash the bitter aftertaste away with a bit of gin & tonic, and then settle in and determine whether or not I’m sufficiently fortified to subject myself to the national news. Have a good evening.  SC

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