Monday, September 15, 2014

Enjoy the incomprehensible feast of life


Once again the dogwoods are the early harbingers of approaching autumn.  Soon the sassafras and sumac will contribute their pastel hues of orange and scarlet. Once again we anticipate the taste of ripe persimmons, the appearance of the ubiquitous pumpkin, the plaintive calls of southbound geese, and all the traditional trappings of harvest. Despite all these pleasant expectations, the close of summer and approach of fall invariably result in a feeling of melancholy for me.  As a young man I tended to envision time as a vast, unlimited resource; time it seemed was an inexhaustible sea.  Now in the autumn of my life, each hour is increasingly precious, and I thirst for each minute as it drips away from an alarmingly finite pool.  It seems now a natural tendency to weigh the substantial pile of spent autumns which I find behind me, against the increasingly dwindling weight of those that I might reasonably expect to find ahead. Still, fall is traditionally and unquestionably a time of thanksgiving and celebration.  We take stock of a year rapidly waning; brace ourselves against winter’s icy chill, thank God for our many blessings during the innocuous months now behind, and pray with some trepidation that our careful preparations thus far will prove sufficient to see us through to spring. In the meantime, prepare the table, cherish friends, and enjoy the incomprehensible feast of life.  SC

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