Sunday, January 5, 2014

Mankind marvels, Truth prevails, and the whole world reverberates within

The vast, moderate majority moves slowly onward toward the goal, as expressed in the preamble to our Constitution. They advance with glacial speed, force, and size, and much like a glacier in other aspects, but they advance.   The Palen’s, Cruz’s, and radical crazies of the world sprinkle the surface of this impervious force like dust on the snow, having little impact, and leaving only a barely perceivable stain which fades with time.  Beneath the massive surface, the Mandela’s, Gandhi’s, Kings, Lincolns and countless others form the strong, rhythmic, beating heart of peace, benevolence, freedom and strength through unity, E Pluribus Unum, out of many, one. Mankind marvels, Truth prevails, and the whole world reverberates within, from the irresistible force for liberty and justice for all.  SC 

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