Monday, August 6, 2012

Hate burns brightly, and well-meaning people too often mistake it for light. SC

If you consider yourself a Christian, but find that your actions are frequently driven by hatred rather than love, best consider your motives, because you’re not serving Christ.  The following is an excerpt from Max Lucado’s book, “The Greatest Moments In The Life Of Christ”: “John tells of a time the disciples applied a label.  Jesus and his followers came upon a man who had been blind from birth.  Here is the question the disciples asked Jesus:  “Teacher, whose sin caused this man to be born blind- his own sin or his parents’ sin?” (John 9:2).  Never mind that the man is a beggar in need of help.  Never mind that the man seated in front of them is in earshot of their voices.  How could they be so harsh?  The answer?  (You may not like this) It’s easier to talk about a person than to help a person.  It’s easier to debate homosexuality than to be a friend to a gay person.  It’s easier to discuss divorce than to help the divorced.    It’s easier to argue abortion than to support an orphanage.  It’s easier to label than to love.  What if God did that with us?” Max Lucado

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