Wednesday, January 4, 2012

In Memoriam

My Aunt, Eloise Casebeer, Passed away today.  Aunt Eloise, a native Ozarker, was 98, and embodied a breed, quality, and class of genuinely independent people who are quickly disappearing from the scene. With the passing of my dad's brother, my Uncle Edgar, several years ago, Aunt Eloise lived very self sufficiently, at home and alone.  As the occasion required, she was soft as carded wool, or hard as tempered steel. Aunt Eloise did justly, loved mercy, walked humbly with her God, and held her views passionately and unequivocally. She respected the rights and choices of others, and was not receptive to having her own choices challenged. Those who chose to do so proceeded unadvisedly.  Her chosen vocation, teaching had for many years been both her calling and her passion.  In this capacity she was an encouragement and a blessing to countless young people during her many years of service, and she was remembered fondly by each and every one.  She lived self sufficiently at home until very recently, and when she determined that she could no longer do so, she bid the family goodbye, and with her usual resolve and tenacity, she refused nourishment and passed quickly away.  Aunt Eloise was loved, admired, and respected by all those who had the good fortune to know her. She will be very sorely missed.
Shannon Thomas Casebeer

January 4, 2012

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