Thursday, July 21, 2011

Sorrows Slip Away
Soft through the pines,
The summer breeze is blowing,
Sweet, solemn music to me.
Lightly through my mind,
Old memories are flowing,
Tender thoughts of what life used to be.

Souls called away,
Golden days amid the tall grass;
Laughter lingers deep in my heart.
Pleasant moments shared,
Vibrant dreams of youth are ageless.
Hope unites though time may bid us part.

Shadows of time,
When the hours passed in moments,
Tender moments priceless to recall;
Futures to share,
Happy destinies awaiting,
Summer slipping gently into fall.

Seasons quickly pass,
Our memories turn to treasure,
God’s gift to those who remain.
Sorrows slip away,
While our hearts preserve life’s pleasure;
Grief soon fades, while life’s joy we retain.
July 21, 2011
S. T. Case3beer

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