Friday, February 4, 2011

"Roughing It"

It is always very cold on that lake shore in the night, but we had plenty of blankets and were warm enough.  We never moved a muscle all night, but waked at early dawn in the original positions, and got up at once, thoroughly refreshed, free from soreness, and brimful of friskiness.  There is no end of wholesome medicine in such an experience. That morning we could have whipped ten such people as we were the day before-sick ones at any rate.  But the world is slow, and people will go to "water cures" and "movement cures" and to foreign lands for health. Three months of camp life on Lake Tahoe would restore an Egyptian mummy to his pristine vigor and give him an appetite like an alligator. I do not mean the oldest and driest mummies, of course, but the fresher ones.  Mark Twain

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