Monday, December 27, 2010

New Year's Resolution January, 2011

I’ve been accused of being a hoarder. Guilty as charged! I have odds and ends of stuff, stored away in every crack and cranny of this old house; things that are completely useless to anyone but me.  I have my great granddad’s worn-out old straight razor, and my great grandma’s gray graniteware coffee pot, not because I ever intend to use them, but simply as mementos of people I’ve loved and lost.  Sadly, there are occasions when I even try to horde God’s love.  Sometimes I feel like, if I could just soak up enough love, I’d be happy.  It never works!  The more I try to hoard love, the emptier I feel.  This is the time of year when we all make resolutions.  I’ve made mine. This year I’m bound and determined to spend less time trying to hoard God’s love, and more time trying to share it.  I’m going to try and dispense God’s love, faster than He can fill me. And we’ll just see what happens.

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