Sunday, December 27, 2020

long ago when dogs were pups and old men were boys.



In A Nutshell


In a nutshell, I was born

Back in ‘fifty-one.

My tales are an eclectic blend,

Almost entirely penned in fun.


I write of youth and innocence.

I write of faith and joy.

I write of happy memories

From when I was boy.


I write of pets and special friends,

I’ve cherished through the years;

Of moments that still make me smile,

And others fraught with tears.


I write of love of country,

From a patriotic heart.

And I voice my disillusionment

As our county’s torn apart.


I celebrate my heritage,

And my love for what has passed,

I rejoice in those who choose to serve,

And I pray their triumphs last.


Oh, to be barefoot, freckled, and free,

And intoxicated with youth,

Finding joy in innocence,

And comforted by truth.


Oh, to mix and match my words

That others might rejoice,

and share the love of history

That gives my passion voice.


Oh, to find the perfect words

To touch the hearts of others,

To unite at last the family of man

That all men might be brothers.


That, in a nutshell, is the cause

To which my pen gives voice.

I hope to comfort those who grieve,

And help the world rejoice.


And so, I write of innocence,

And love, and faith, and joys,

In hopes of sparking memories

Of long ago when dogs were pups and old men were boys.


Shannon Thomas Casebeer








Tuesday, December 22, 2020

The truth is, if we all agree to this one thing, 2021 will be less stressful, considerably more peaceful, and much quieter. SC


We’ve now seen what happens when people take liberties with the truth. Giving credence to alternative truths has consequences. I believe it would be constructive moving forward to consider ourselves under oath. We should feel compelled at all times to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Adherence to provable, incontestable, honest to God facts is essential to our peaceful coexistence. In the future, I believe we would benefit by limiting our statements to only those to which we would swear before God. The truth is, if we all agree to this one thing, 2021 will be less stressful, considerably more peaceful, and much quieter.  SC

Monday, November 23, 2020


 I've not spent much time on my blog recently. I've been devoting my time to my You Tube channel.  Check it out! I'm certain you'll enjoy it.

 shannon casebeer - YouTube

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

The American ideals of liberty and justice were forged in the fires of scripture and tempered by the ages. Since its inception, our Republic has emerged slowly but steadily from the world’s history of bigotry, racism, and intolerance, toward a more just, merciful, and compassionate society; a society in which people of every conceivable faith and ethnicity can join together and find peace, acceptance, common purpose, and strength through that diversity, and in so doing form a government of, by, and for a people, unified by their diverse faiths and their mutual pursuit of liberty and justice for all. Our Constitution and America’s other historical documents demonstrate very clearly that America’s collective conscience, as reflected by our chosen leaders, requires constant scrutiny and surveillance. That’s why it’s essential we participate. That’s why it’s essential we vote. Freedom is every heart’s desire and every just government’s goal, but prior to our Constitution, liberty was a mighty illusive concept. My ancestors risked all they had in their quests for freedom, because in case after case, their homelands had very little appetite for religious freedoms.  In far too many cases, Kings, Queens, and powerful religious institutions, dictated religious liberties. Bigotry, intolerance, and bondage were generally the result, and the freedom we enjoy today was little more than a dream. Even today, in the 21st century, in a country celebrated around the world as the land of liberty, there are people whom, given the opportunity, would deny freedom and forcibly inflict their religious beliefs on others. Even in a democracy of, by, and for the people, justice and equality are only as perfect as the conscience of that people.  Even America’s grand and glorious democratic republic reflects not only our goodness but our greed.  Freedom is not a privilege to be taken lightly.  Freedom is a right and a responsibility, a perishable torch to be diligently tended and faithfully passed along.  Freedom burns within our hearts, ignited by the founding fathers, and it falls to us to keep that flame alive. America’s most trusted and time-honored institutions are only as righteous as the hearts of our citizens; our most godly leaders are only as just as the collective conscience of their constituents, and the most telling measure of a nation’s heart is the compassion and the unity of its people.


Shannon Thomas Casebeer

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Reading "GRANDPA'S JOURNAL" Please join us!

This morning I posted the last of 86 episodes of GRANDPA’S JOURNAL to my group: LIFEFORMS UNITED. Tomorrow we will begin again with episode one, only this time, Lord willing, I will read them aloud. You’re welcome to join us. 😉

Saturday, February 15, 2020

From the time I was a youngster I’ve enjoyed creative writing. Much of what I write is scene setting.  I enjoy taking you to a moment in time and setting the scene so that it feels as though you’re there with me. In this way we’re able to travel through time together. My you tube channel is a collection of these moments in time. Some moments are from my childhood. Others are excerpts from my historical novel or selections from poems I’ve written through the years. Reading my works out loud is new to me. It’s a work in progress. I read from my little cabin in the woods, beside a wood range that has been a faithful companion for many years. You’re welcome to join us anytime. Share a moment with me and let me know what you think. 

Friday, January 17, 2020


Here, for your enjoyment are some of my favorite photos
of Placerville, California, my hometown. aka OLD HANGTOWN

To be continued
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