Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Silence is complicity

I agree wholeheartedly that it is never appropriate to question the character and motives of those with whom we have partisan differences. Having said that, it is equally inappropriate to excuse racism, bigotry, pathological liars, assaults on our Capitol, attacks on the personal freedoms of our fellow citizens, and threats to the very fabric of our Republic. And silence is complicity. SC

Literary Agent wanted

I began this blog in 2010. Since then, it's received over 127,000 page views from all over the world. It contains many of my photos, hundreds of essays, dozens of poems, and excerpts from my three historical novels. Countless thousands have read and enjoyed my Facebook posts. Surely, somewhere out there, is a literary agent who could market this material and make us each some money.

Shannon Thomas Casebeer

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Once we let Truth, Justice, & Freedom slip away, little else will matter.

Lord willing, in a few months, I'll celebrate another birthday. Throughout my long life, our country has made slow, arduous progress, two steps forward & one step back, two steps forward & one step back... With the fast-approaching election, every bit of that hard-won progress is at risk. I marvel at those who either don't understand, or don't care. Once we let Truth, Justice, & Freedom slip away, little else will matter. Please, vote Blue. SC

Thursday, September 19, 2024

The most devastating plague in the history of mankind

The most devastating plague in the history of mankind is the determination of fundamentalist Christians to fight over who's God is the most loving, and their willingness to resort to violence to support their cause. SC  

Friday, September 13, 2024

I will, if you will. SC

For a number of years, every Sunday morning, I spent an hour or so visiting with several dear friends as we served as door greeters at a nondenominational church. Over time, I became a bit OC in my determination to greet each and every incoming individual with a handshake or a hug. Some were receptive. Others, not so much. It became a bit of a challenge and a competition. One of my fellow greeters was somewhat my senior. Each day, upon his arrival, I'd enquire how he was doing, and he would invariably reply he was up and Adam (at 'em). Then he would grin and amend his comment by suggesting he was up anyway. He was not so sure about Adam. The name Adam, of course, has some Biblical context. Adam of the Bible, as we well know, enjoyed apples and was prone to be led astray. Each of us contends, minute by minute, with our Adam nature. I know, in my case, my old robe of flesh tends to catch on this and snag on that and hinder my very best efforts to behave. Having been burdened by this cross for many years, I recognize this universal defect in others, and I tend to be sympathetic. Anyway, I try to be sympathetic. As descendants of Adam, we each deal each and every day with our desires, some entirely wholesome; others, not so much. We need to cut each other a little slack. We need to admit our own challenges and gently encourage each other to do better. I will, if you will. SC

Sunday, September 8, 2024


What do you see when you look ahead to 2025? I see the realization of the dreams and ideals of our youth, the remarkable advances made by a nation inspired by dreamers, united by song, and faithfully dedicated to liberty and justice for all.
For many of us who remember the 1950s, 60s, and ‘70s, our memories of those times are reflected in and rekindled by the music of that period. Much of that music had a common theme. People sang of a new day coming. Lyrics told of a future in which all people would be united in a peaceful recognition and acceptance of the fact that we are each different and unique. Popular songs encouraged love and tolerance and conjured up pictures of a time when peaceful coexistence would be the order of the day and all mankind would join in the common cause of freedom and justice for all; a time when mankind could be relied upon to assist those who needed assistance and value the best efforts of each and every individual who did their best, even when their very best fell short.
Over the decades, many have dedicated themselves to achieving the romanticized goals of our youth, the goals of liberty and justice, as contained in America’s historical documents, and the pursuit of goodness, grace and mercy in the eyes of God. Despite the polarization which plagues our nation today, much has been achieved.
I don't intend to go back. I believe 2025 will be the beginning of the realization of the dreams of our youth. We stand today at a crossroads, on the firm foundation those dedicated efforts produced. We live now in that new day foretold in our youth by dreamers, songwriters, and poets. Some would take us back to a dark, divided past, where ignorance and mistrust were the order of the day, and intolerance and bigotry were celebrated. For the rest of us, we see about us the realization of the dreams and ideals of our youth, the remarkable advances made by a nation inspired by dreamers, united by song, and faithfully dedicated to liberty and justice for all. For us, despite the many challenges we face, we celebrate achievements and boldly strive ahead.
S. T. "Casey" Casebeer